Our Foundation has taken some truly significant steps forward. We had a long, but exciting, meeting with the Prince William County Parks Department to discuss details of just how this park is going to happen.
We are ecstatic to tell you that our two groups will be working together to get our goal of a park done. The Prince William County Parks Department has provided us a Letter of Support to show that we do indeed have a working relationship with the Parks Department. This letter gives legitimacy to our purpose and request for money. This is the best thing that could have happened!
We are now ramping up our Marketing and fundraising to meet our first goal of $50,000. This will allow us to get a Master plan from PWC outlining the actual building designs and estimated costs using county staff or known contractors.
Now we are in the stages of getting our name out there, finding more people who would like to join us in this quest and the biggest job yet ... Fundraising!